Ways to Get Free Baby Formula

If your infant is on regular formula, there are many ways to get free baby formula. It's not cheap to maintain a regular supply and supplementing it with some free sources can be a great way to help your baby budget stretch further.

Samples from the Hospital - Many hospitals receive free formula samples from multiple formula manufacturers. If you're definitely formula-feeding your infant and you know this before you deliver, take advantage of the free formula the hospital has available.

--Some hospitals will only distribute formula bags to women who request them, so make it clear that you would appreciate any samples they have, as well as free bottles or coupons.
--In some cases, hospitals are able to give a few weeks’ supply of infant formula, or multiple sample bags, to women who need or request the extra samples.

Samples from your Paediatrician - If you have twins, triplets or more multiples, your paediatrician's office can give you formula samples. Just ask at your first visit and at subsequent visits. If you need to change formula types or brands, ask for new samples. Don't be shy! Formula is expensive, especially when you're buying for two, three or more.

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Samples from the Manufacturer - Some formula brands offer coupons for free formula on their labels or through their websites. If you like a particular brand and need free formula, contact the manufacturer over the phone or the Internet to request a few coupons for free formula. In many cases, the companies will offer a few coupons for free formula to make sure you remain their customer.

--If you call the manufacturer to inform them that you want to keep feeding your baby their brand of infant formula but cannot afford it at the moment, they may be happy to send you coupons or samples free of charge.
--Many formula companies offer free samples if you sign up for their email lists or online community.

Formula Coupons - Infant formula manufacturers have steep competition and often place coupons and offers for free samples in parenting magazines, online parenting websites, newspapers, and other infant products. Clip and store coupons - doubling or tripling the coupon value when possible - to save money or get the formula for free.

Women, Infants, and Children Program - The United States offers a national program for pregnant and breastfeeding women and their children up to the age of 5. Provided you meet certain income guidelines, you may be eligible to get free formula for your baby’s first year, as well as nutritious food for some of your older children. If you do not live in the US, many nations offer similar programs through their welfare services.

Food Bank or Pregnancy Clinic - If you're unable to afford the cost of formula, many community centers carry infant formula that they give to families in need. There is no shame in requesting infant formula from a food bank, crisis pregnancy center, family support center, or other community charitable organization. Your child’s well-being comes first, and many of these centers can provide temporary assistance and help point you in the direction of more permanent assistance to feed your baby.

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